1)Revo Uninstaller
The Uninstaller tool lists the installed programs and components for all and current user. With a choice of views, as well as a context menu, information on program components is available: program properties, their registry entries and links to manufacturer's web site, for a start. The "Search" option finds installed applications just by typing the first few letters of their name. Revo Uninstaller Pro scans for leftovers with even more advanced algorithms that are so precise, fast and very effective in search for leftovers of Windows Services, Drivers, File associations, Shell Extensions, COM components, Windows Installer components, program settings and more!
2)Your Uninstaller
Complete removal
ZSoft Uninstaller is the better and easier way to uninstall programs on your computer.
ZSoft Uninstaller can be used as a Add/Remove applet replacement, but not only that, it can also:
The Windows OS comes with an Add/Remove Programs feature, which includes a basic uninstall programs utility. As opposed to uninstaller, it runs slow and leaves behind unnecessary files, folders, and registry keys from the uninstalled software. This unwanted digital information builds up on your computer and, if it's not regularly purged, can slow down or even crash your operating system.
Complete removal
Unlike other similar tools, Your Uninstaller! scans whole system for related files and traces and manages to remove them.
Uninstall as you wish
Uninstalling a program is one or two clicks away. Your Uninstaller! guess your inputs and respond with best solution.
Uninstalling a program is one or two clicks away. Your Uninstaller! guess your inputs and respond with best solution.
Manage your programs
Easily sort, change icon, write comments, backup registry or lock programs. Makes it easy to navigate through all installed programs.
Easily sort, change icon, write comments, backup registry or lock programs. Makes it easy to navigate through all installed programs.
Latest technology
Your Uninstaller! is built using the latest technology: Windows 7, 64bit, memory caching along with modern user interface, which bings excellent user experience.
3)ZSoft UninstallerYour Uninstaller! is built using the latest technology: Windows 7, 64bit, memory caching along with modern user interface, which bings excellent user experience.
ZSoft Uninstaller can be used as a Add/Remove applet replacement, but not only that, it can also:
- Analyze an installation so it can be completely uninstalled (also supports reboots of the computer as the process is split into two: Before and after the installation)
- Search for leftovers after uninstalling a program
- Cleanup in the programs starting on your computer at startup
- Find and delete temporary files
- Find and delete empty folders
- Delete entries from programs that are no longer installed
- Hide Windows Updates
- Hide entries from the list that you are never going to uninstall (drivers etc.) making the list smaller and therefore easier to manage.
- Show more information than available though add/remove
- Automatically find entries from programs that are most likely already uninstalled
- Automatically find entries that are considered "crap-ware"
- (Off course) search the list of installed software
Uberstaller: Code Precision's Freeware Super-Uninstaller
Fortunately, Code Precision has released Uberstaller, a state-of-the-art, freeware uninstaller package that makes the Windows version virtually obsolete. The Uberstaller program uninstaller is lightning-fast, allowing you to quickly find the program(s) you want to eliminate. Once the software is located, all essential program information-version number, publication date, and more-is displayed in an easy-to-read table. Programs can be highlighted and uninstalled right from this screen, with an ease that simply can't be found in other uninstaller software. The Uberstaller uninstall tool even includes a configurable layout, so you can get the information you need in whatever visual format is easiest for you.
Uberstaller is a free software uninstaller package complete with a heuristic scanner that finds and removes all traces of partially uninstalled applications, so your computer keeps running smoothly and efficiently. These unwanted traces are moved to the Windows Recycle Bin, where they can be permanently deleted. Another indispensable feature of this free uninstaller is the built-in File Shredder, which allows the user to erase files and folders with complete assurance that the information is truly gone.
Uberstaller is more than just an uninstaller free download-it's simply the best uninstaller package you can find. In addition to its incredible speed, it provides comprehensive removal of unwanted software, even the trace files that are often left behind after a standard uninstall is performed.
Uninstaller Download
Let us emphasize one of the most surprising features of the Uberstaller software: its price, or the lack of it. The solution is absolutely FREE. That's right, Uberstaller is a freeware program available for immediate download. The program includes no spyware, adware, or any other form of malware, and automatic updates ensure that you're always running the latest version. Download Uberstaller now and give your PC a much-needed spring cleaning!
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